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#1271 -> + (4394) - [X]
20:04 -!- Spaceboy [] has joined #huwico
20:04 < ircnet_gw> Hex2IP: c6749031 --> -->
20:04 < Spaceboy> hi
20:05 < Spaceboy> is this the channel of hungarian wireless community?
20:05 < Z0l> yes
20:06 < szaboat> hi
20:07 < Spaceboy> i'm working at NASA, one of our sattelites picked up a transmission originated from Budapest, HUNGARY
20:07 < vili> :D
20:08 < Z0l> :)
20:08 < vili> our goal is world domination
20:08 < Spaceboy> if that is the case, i have to report this to international authorities
20:09 < Spaceboy> and by the way, your message 'Niggerek vagytok mind' never reach mars i'm sorry
20:09 < mosquito> :)
20:09 < szaboat> :D
20:09 < Z0l> :DDD
20:10 < vili> :D